Digital Copies of Cardinal Poreku Dery Picture Collections
In March 2007, I began to work with Peter Cardinal Poreku Dery to make digital copies of his picture collections which he has put together either in albums, or in envelopes or as unrelated singles. Using a flatbed scanner, I was able to make digital copies of all the pictures that were not framed and that he and I could locate in the house. He was sure that there were many others that we could not immediately locate. The originals of the pictures we could find and scanned were collected together and given to him to keep. It had been my intention to make digital copies of the framed pictures someday; but that did not happen because of his untimely death. I am publishing the listing below in order to give sense of the extent of the collection and passion with which they were preserved. Needless to say that the current listing including file titles and album descriptions are my own creation. Digital File Title Original Identification of Images Album Descriptio...