From Fr. Edward B. Tengan (May, 2005): Cardinal Dery Starts Pope John XXIII Centre

BLESSED POPE JOHN XXIII CENTRE FOR INTEGRAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ABOUT US The Blessed Pope John XXIII Centre for Integral Human Development is the brainchild of Most Rev. Peter Porekuu Dery, the Archbishop Emeritus of Tamale. Ordained the first bishop of Wa by Pope John XXIII in 1960, Most Rev. Peter Porekuu Dery was to draw much inspiration from the life and leadership style of the Pope who ordained him. Long before Vatican II, Pope John XXIII granted permission to bishop Dery to bring the local music into the liturgy within his diocese. This was symptomatic of the reforms this Pope was going to bring into the church’s life and ministry through Vatican II. It is to continue the pastoral image of Blessed Pope John XXIII whom Archbishop Dery affectionately refers to as his father that Most Rev. Peter Porekuu Dery has decided to set up the Blessed Pope John XXIII Centre for Integral Human Development. As a pastor, archbishop Dery has always had a special concern for the youth. In his inter...