From Fr. Edward B. Tengan (May, 2005): Cardinal Dery Starts Pope John XXIII Centre

The Blessed Pope John XXIII Centre for Integral Human Development is the brainchild of Most Rev. Peter Porekuu Dery, the Archbishop Emeritus of Tamale. Ordained the first bishop of Wa by Pope John XXIII in 1960, Most Rev. Peter Porekuu Dery was to draw much inspiration from the life and leadership style of the Pope who ordained him. Long before Vatican II, Pope John XXIII granted permission to bishop Dery to bring the local music into the liturgy within his diocese. This was symptomatic of the reforms this Pope was going to bring into the church’s life and ministry through Vatican II. It is to continue the pastoral image of Blessed Pope John XXIII whom Archbishop Dery affectionately refers to as his father that Most Rev. Peter Porekuu Dery has decided to set up the Blessed Pope John XXIII Centre for Integral Human Development.

As a pastor, archbishop Dery has always had a special concern for the youth. In his interactions with the youth, he has always stressed that society needs leaders who see the integral development of the person as the goal of their socio-political involvement. He has always argued against the trend in which political leaders and social workers operate with a lopsided view of development that equates development with material progress paying very little attention to the human person towards whom all development should be geared. In his view, true development requires that every sector of human life, that is, the economic, the political, the personal and the spiritual progress evenly and simultaneously.

Recognising the significance of Development Studies to give direction to the country’s developmental projects, the government of Ghana set up a University for Development Studies in the north of Ghana. Blessed Pope John XXIII Centre for Integral Human Development is sited near the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies of the University in Wa. Our aim in doing so is to have a team reside in the Centre and engage in Campus ministry. The proximity to the University makes it possible for students to walk into the Centre and profit from the services and whatever spiritual and academic resources will be made available in the Centre. We also aim at organising seminars, workshops and short courses on issues relating to the Christian notion of Development. In these courses we shall target the students and other Christian intelligentsia.

We are a catholic centre whose primary mission is ministry to the university students and intelligentsia of our society and the promotion of the integral development of the human person through education and personal life witness.

In the light of Jesus Christ’s own words: ‘I came that they may have life and have it to the full’ we seek to articulate and promote the integral development of all and each individual person.

Our Main Objectives are:
To offer to students accommodation and the larger community multi-usage spaces offering a relaxing atmosphere for study sessions, formal and informal discussions, meetings and private study. Classrooms provide room for lectures, seminar sessions and private study.
To be more than its structures, a community that offers warmth and love as the climate for people to develop themselves in the various areas; personal, spiritual, intellectual and so on.
To present the climate and means for students and other Christian intelligentsia to develop and articulate their faith with the same intellectual power as they put forth their university careers.
To present the students who are our future leaders with the Christian understanding of development as integral human development.

What means shall we use?
By providing residential accommodation to a cross-section of male and female students in a climate that encourages all to live as caring communities that respect and work towards the integral development of each and every person in the community. In this way we hope to participate in the Gospel of Life.
By making available a team of ordained and lay ministers who shall involve themselves in campus ministry and avail themselves to students and other people who may need guidance and counselling.
By organising short courses, seminars and workshops on issues related to integral development.
By working in close collaboration with the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies of the University for Development Studies for the mutual enrichment of both the Faculty and the Centre in view of presenting the students with an integral vision on development.


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