Publications by Cardinal Poreku Dery - Books and Articles

1. Memoirs of Most Rev. Peter Porekuu Dery; Archbishop Emeritus of Tamale, by Peter Porekuu Dery, GILLBT Press, Tamale, (2003); 162 pp; 9 illustrations.

This book is a significant publication by Dery and has been the most influential up to date. It does not only recount the personal story of Dery's life and religious career which began as a priest in formation within Dagara religion and ended with his retirement as an archbishop of the catholic church, but also deal with heroic deeds of the first catholic missionaries who are responsible for the planting of Catholicism in Northern Ghana. In this context, it is book about cultural contact, dialogue and reconciliation. As such, the book is an important contribution to the cultural history of Northern Ghana.

Sunset in the morning for Mwankurinaa - My roots and early years; a Dagao with the Dagara, a Sisala with the Sisala - How I cam into contact with the Missionaries - My formal education and seminary training - My ordination and life as a young priest - My years of formation abroad - My early years as bishop of Wa - My transfer to Tamale - Developing diocesan structures - The twilight of my life.

2. Free Wives Freed Women: The effect of the bride-price on the position of women among the Dagara, by Peter Porekuu Dery, Wa Catholic Press, Wa (2003); 48 pp.

Meant to be part of a larger work on marriage and family life, this booklet outlines Dery's deep conviction that the bride-price as practised in Dagara culture is an issue that cannot be reconciled with the Catholic faith. Indeed he is sure that it is an affront on the dignity of the woman and a an obstacle that needs to be removed if the woman is to gain total freedom as a wife. Yet, he admits that it one of the cultural norms that the Dagara will never to willing to give up.

Bride-price and its effect on the dignity of the woman - The bride-price: an accident in history - Early missionary tolerance: faith in its infancy - Living the Christian ideal: mature Christianity - A new notion of family - Woman, her own foe: Woman her only hope - A note of hope.


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