Cardinal Dery Centenary Celebrations: May 2018 to May 2019
Launching: The national launching of the centenary birthday celebrartion of Cardinal Dery took w on 26th May at Jirapa during a Eucharist celebration presided over His Excellency Most Rev. Jean Marie Speich, the Apostolic Nuncio Ghana. Archbishop Philip Naameh of Tamale gave the keynote address. Delegates were invited from the Dioceses and Groups linked to Cardinal Dery. It was not meant to be a big celebration since there were to follow diocesan launchings afterwards. The launching was limited to a one day celebration (26th May); however, the Centenary activities were being planned to run throughout the year (May 2018-May 2019). Main Theme: CARDINAL DERY A MAN OF FAITH, A MAN FOR OTHERS. Sub-themes: • Youth • Women • Catechists • Laity • ...