Cardinal Dery Centenary Celebrations: May 2018 to May 2019

The national launching of the centenary birthday celebrartion of Cardinal Dery took w on 26th May at Jirapa during a Eucharist celebration presided over His Excellency Most Rev. Jean Marie Speich, the Apostolic Nuncio Ghana. Archbishop Philip Naameh of Tamale gave the keynote address. Delegates were invited from the Dioceses and Groups linked to Cardinal Dery. It was not meant to be a big celebration since there were to follow diocesan launchings afterwards. The launching was limited to a one day celebration (26th May); however, the Centenary activities were being planned to run  throughout the year (May 2018-May 2019).

Main Theme:

•         Youth
•         Women
•         Catechists
•         Laity
•         Vocation and Family
•         Education and Human Development
•         Inculturation
•         Interreligious Dialogue

Detailed Program:
Responsible persons
May 26, 2018
National launch
See detailed program
Saint Joseph’s  Parish, Jirapa
TEPPCON Executives
Local Community, WA Diocese.
St. Joseph Parish, Jirapa
Accra committee,
June 2018
Dioceses prepare and launch the programme
All TEP Dioceses
Diocesan local committees

July 2018
Youth Development and good Leadership in the Vision of Cardinal Dery.

All TEPPCON Dioceses
All Parishes
Diocesan  local committees
All Parish Priests/Parish committees

August 2018
Sustainability  and promotion of TEPPCON: Role of Cardinal Dery as 1st President of TEPPCON and the role of TEP  Bishops, priests, religious and laity.
Tamale Eccl. Province will  also celebrate TEPPCON week here- 5th to 12 August, replicating the 2017 TEPPCON topics discussed at the Diocesan and Parish levels etc
All Dioceses/ Parishes
Diocesan local committees
Diocesan parishes and Laity Councils
All Parish Priests Laity Councils/committees

September 2018
Promotion of the dignity of the girl child and women in the 21st century-the role of the Church and Government
All Dioceses
All Parishes
Diocesan  local committees
All Parish Priests , Laity Councils/ committees

October 2018
Cardinal Dery and Catechists as Agents of Faith and the new evangelization.
All Dioceses
All Parishes
Diocesan local committees
All Parish Priests, Laity Councils/ committees etc
November 2018
The Development and  Sustainability of the Church in our time-the role of laity in the  vision of  Cardinal Dery
All  Dioceses
All Parishes
Diocesan local committee
Parish Priests
Laity Councils/Committees

December 2018
Vocations and Family Life in the Vision of Cardinal Dery, the role of key stakeholders. Challenges and prospects.
All  Dioceses
All Parishes
Diocesan local committees
Parish Priests
Laity Councils, etc.

January 2019
Education and Holistic Human Development –the Role of the Church in the vision of Cardinal Dery.
All  Dioceses
All Parishes
Diocesan local committees
Parish Priests
Laity  Councils and Committees
February 2019
The relevance of inculturation in our times and the preservation of the Catholic  liturgy in an era of religious pluralism, the role of Priests, Religious and the laity
All Dioceses
All Parishes
Dioceses local committees
Parish priests
Laity Councils and Committees

March 2019
Dialogue as an effective instrument  for peace and Ecumenism- the role of religious leaders in the vision of Cardinal Dery
All  Dioceses
All Parishes
Diocesan  local committees
Parish Priests
Laity  Councils and Committees
April 2019
Fostering a coordinated approach to pastoral care in the Ecclesiastical Provinces- the role of key stakeholders in the Vision of Cardinal Dery.
All  Dioceses
All Parishes
Diocesan local committees
Parish Priests
Laity  Councils and Committees

May 1 to May 20, 2019

May 25, 2019
Diocesan Climax/closure

National climax of the Centenary
All  Dioceses
All Parishes

TEPPCON Executives
Local Committees, Archdiocese of Tamale
National and Provincial Committees

CONTACTS: Most Rev Philip Naameh, President of TEPPCON- 0507868460, Mr Alfred Ndago (Chairman of TEPPCON)- 0244802318, Fr. Camilio Bonsuuri (Vice Chairman of TEPPCON)-0505090754,  Ms Agnes A. Gandaa (Sec. of TEPPCON.)-0244592143, Sir Ben Assorow Chairman CDF) -0244274186, The TEP Bishops.


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